For professionals
For further information for coordinators, case managers and other staff members who work with children and families, please refer to the website of the National Agency for Children and Families.
On the website is also information regarding the implementation of the Prosperity Act for municipalities, healthcare centers, secondary schools and others who have a role according to the legislation.
The prosperity team of the Children's and Family Office is available for advice whether it concerns the Prosperity Act, municipal resources or individual cases. The email address is:
Í farsæld barna er lögð rík áhersla á að börn og foreldrar hafi aðgang að samþættri þjónustu við hæfi án hindrana, ef á þarf að halda. Þannig fá þau upplýsingar um þjónustu í þágu barnsins og þjónustuveitendur, foreldrar og börn, eftir atvikum, móta í sameiningu markmið, úrræði og mat á árangri.